Notícias da empresa

A WindSun Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (FGI) é uma empresa nacional de alta tecnologia afiliada ao Shandong Energy Group, especializada em tecnologia de controle de economia de energia em eletrônica de potência e integrando P&D, produção, vendas e serviços em um todo. Em 13 de abril de 2021, a FGI abriu o capital no Conselho de Inovação em Ciência e Tecnologia. Código de estoque: 688663.
Jincheng Road, Zona de Desenvolvimento Econômico, Wenshang, Shandong
Sáb 08, 2019

Primeira patente estrangeira emitida
A FGI tem como alvo o mercado internacional

Recently, the "Inverter for Regenerative Braking Energy Absorption and its Control Method" applied by FGI was granted a patent in Kazakhstan, which is the first time for FGI to be granted a foreign patent. FGI is the lead developer of the national standard of "Trânsito Ferroviário Urbano Inverter for Regenerative Braking Energy Absorption". In recent years, FGI has designed and researched to meet the ma
quinta-feira, 11, 2022

FGI ajuda a fornecer a primeira "energia verde" do primeiro projeto eólico offshore aprovado

4 sets of SVG from FGI with capacity of 40 Mvar have been successfully commissioned and connected to the grid. The Bozhong offshore wind power A Site, invested and constructed by Shandong Energy Group, is successfully realized the project of transmission of power to the grid on October 27, 2022.    With the first "green power" from the first approved project in the national offshore wind
quinta-feira, 10, 2022

Inversor para ventilador de tiragem induzida na siderúrgica
FGI na Malásia

    We successfully got the inverter project for induced draft (ID) fan at a steel mill with our Malaysian partner after nearly 2 years of continuous communication. After competing with many domestic and international manufacturers, we finally won the trust of end-users with the high quality of products, professional services, and good reputation in the industry.    The high-voltage inverte
sexta-feira 07, 2015

Clientes da Danfoss vêm visitar a FGI

  A group of more than 20 people from Danfoss including Hu Yuesheng visited FGI on July 2. This is the first visit for Danfoss to its domestic partners after the acquisition of Wiken Finland in September 2014.   Danfoss guests went into the production site, explored site management, process control and quality management. Both parties communicated deeply for exploring of ways of deep communication and buil